BLUEPRINT Applications Are Fast!
The diagrams below show the relative performance of the TPL and CORE runtimes for two cases.
- A very simple deterministic data-parallel case (left)
- A more realistic problem where the calculation time depends on the data (right)
(Click to enlarge...)
BLUEPRINT performs better than the alternatives as its intelligent scheduler keeps CPUs busy for general purpose problems and not just data-parallel.
BLUEPRINT's Unique Visual Symbolism
BLUEPRINT logic is captured using our visual, event-based symbolism for describing concurrent execution in terms of simple concepts. This unique symbolism enables you to express complex parallel constructs with ease:
BLUEPRINT's unique visual symbolism allows you to build multi-core enabled components and plug as many of them together as you like while still only executing in a pre-set total number of threads for ultimate efficiency.
 A BLUEPRINT Component Encapsulating an FFT
These components are completely encapsulated and you need to know nothing about their internal workings in order to use them, enabling you to build up re-usable multi-core enabled component libraries.
Getting Started
The best way to see how BLUEPRINT can speed up your applications is to download the FREE trial and follow the tutorials...